Saturday, July 15, 2006

How the Democrats can lose this thing.

This is, as always, basically just my take on a situation based almost entirely on my own anecdotal evidence.

I had to go to a big regional fair yesterday afternoon. In 100 degree heat. It was unpleasant. While I was there, I needed to get some information from the local Republican and Democratic parties, who both had displays there. Now, having worked on political campaigns in the past, I've "worked the booth" at more than my fair share of county fairs. I know it's hot and miserable and a pain in the ass. It takes work and determination to keep a smile on your face and sell your candidates.

That being said, the Republicans I talked to were pleasant and personable and quite helpful. We didn't talk actual political issues though, which helped. This clearly would have been the sticking point.

Likewise, I didn't talk about actual political issues with the Democrats either. Which is a shame...because without the bond of similar political views, these particular Democrats came across as sort of snotty and off-putting.

If I was an undecided voter (which I am decidely NOT), the Dems wouldn't have won me over. I probably would have, however, taken a closer look at the GOP candidates. The mere thought of this makes my blood run cold.

The country is in shambles thanks to the GOP. Everybody knows it. Winning 2006 elections should be a slam dunk for the Democrats. However, if any of my anecdotal evidence is at all valid on a more widespread basis.....I'm not sure that's the case. It's troubling.


Blogger Charlotte said...

The whole world is going to shite.

July 15, 2006 1:19 PM  
Blogger Charlotte said...

July 17, 2006 4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, if neither party talked about tangible issues, what was the difference? Were the Dems all ass-hatted nitwits? I find it kind of curious, as when I worked a parade for state senate candidate Donovan Riley, the only hostile reaction I got was from a probable Republican. He hotly told me he would vote for the other guy, meaning the incumbent, but didn't say anything when I told him a real Republican was in the race (as opposed to the DINO incumbent). Most curious.

July 17, 2006 5:13 PM  
Blogger Flamingo Jones said...

I just needed to get contact information for some local candidates, so no....we didn't talk issues. There wasn't any heated debate or anything of the sort. I'm just saying that the Republicans working that day were friendlier and more approachable than the Democrats working that day, who were snotty and elitist without any reason to be. I'm on their side for Christ sakes.

I'm just saying, that if I was a run of the mill not-all-that-committed or informed voter, and my only face-to-face exposure to the parties and candidates came from my experience from the fair, the Democrats did not make a good enough impression to win me over.

July 17, 2006 10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, you really need to come back now.

Really really.

August 23, 2006 8:15 AM  
Blogger Banana_Grl said...

Hey ... I'm missing your blog! Come back - don't go!

September 15, 2006 1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where the effinglamingo are ya?

September 20, 2006 4:50 AM  
Blogger Jay Bullock said...

The Dems didn't blow it. Please come back. Please.

November 09, 2006 7:55 PM  
Blogger gbreez said...

Did you mention to theose Dems what you just told us, that they were not coming off well in their representation of their candidate? I know that this was not your purpose there, but, maybe some feedback would have helped? Seems a shame to let stuff like that go when we need these guys to sell their candidates like candy.

July 13, 2007 8:50 AM  
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