Confession Time
I shamelessly stole this from Jim. Who stole it from someone else. Who stole it from someone else. Who no doubt stole it from someone else. A meme is born.
The rules to this are: List 10 things you want to say to people but never will. Don't say who there are, and use people only once.
I didn't do a MySpace/Blogger-specific list, since that's WAY not anonymous enough for my taste. But here are my 10 general ones, in no particular order of importance:
10. I'm not sure what you want from me. That uncertainty freaks me out completely.
9. I know that you're a raping, sexually-harassing, son of a bitch. That's why I think it's neither funny nor cute when you ask if you can drive my car, and why I always say "No way." So you can just stop asking.
8. I think I might like you, but that's completely inexplicable, which disturbs me. So, I'm just going to convince myself that I don't care whether you live or die, and will continue to treat you as such in every forced encounter during the day.
7. I think you made a huge mistake.
6. I cried on the happiest day of your life, and they weren't tears of mutual joy, if you know what I mean.
5. I wish you had never told me you loved me, because I believed you.
4. You suck out loud.
3. I actually knew every time you were lying to me. I just didn't care enough about you to call you on it.
2. Your husband makes inappropriate comments to me whenever we're in a room alone together.
1. You're so much better than this, what the hell happened to you?
I will be stealing this as soon as I get a chance to think a bit about it. Thanks.
Yay! (I don't know what it is about the internet that makes me so thrilled when people steal from me. In REAL life, if people steal from me, I'd probably get cranky and call the police. This is why I love the internet.)
Since I have nothing better to do, I shall respond to each of those as if they were about me.
10. I want you to put a shadow behind your flamingo, because a ghost vampire flamingo that does not have a shadow frightens me.
9. I have made inappropriate comments on occasion, but I have certainly never raped anyone, and you have not once denied me an opportunity to drive your car.
8. Liking someone is never inexplicable. While everyone has been disappointed by others in the past, you should not become so jaded that you cannot welcome and embrace the friendship of others.
7. I know that.
6. I am not even sure what the happiest day of my life has been, and I'm not sure what you were crying about. But we can talk about it if you like.
5. Believe what I say at your own peril, though I'm being rather candid today.
4. Not really. I have issues, of course, but I have a good job, pay my taxes, and give a lot to charity.
3. This one doesn't seem to reconcile with number five.
2. Now, I'm not as liberal as you are; I could go either way on the issue of gay marriage. But please, don't insinuate that I am in a homosexual relationship. That's unkind.
1. My mother died, all my friends moved away, my fiancee left me, I don't believe in God, and I feel like I am turning into my father.
Well....that's just.....disturbing.
And we know how much I like "disturbing."
So, thanks!
Oh, and since it REALLY seems to bother you, if you can figure out a way to add a shadow to the flamingo, I'll gladly change it, just for you.
Thank you for understanding! Unfortunately, there is no way to add a shadow to the flamingo. However what I did for you is I added a priest to your banner. The priest will keep an eye on your flamingo and make sure that he or she does not do evil things.
that's a priest?
That priest is terrific.
I don't think I can steal this after all. I am very blunt. I tend to tell people what I think and can't come up with much. I'm only up to 2. I'll keep thinking, because I, too, love internet theft.
Except the illegal sort, of course. I do not download copyrighted anything, no no no, not me.
It took me a while too. Usually if I care enough about something, I'll just say it. However, I did realize that there are just some things I don't feel I can discuss openly, for whatever reason. For instance, saying #9 out loud would probably lead to me getting fired for insubordination. A couple of them would probably get good friends pissed off at me over stuff no one can change. #3....still don't care enough to bother saying anything...I just needed another confession...etc.
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