Friday, June 09, 2006
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Previous Posts
- The sweet taste of success
- The world according to ducks
- The mark of the beast
- Text Messages from Above
- What's God saying to you NOW, Pat?
- An audio-blog in two parts.
- High Points
- I really dislike Jim Sensenbrenner.
- Everything I need to know, I learned from food poi...
- 6 weird things about me.
is anybody out there?
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OK, here's a scenario in which the convenience store flowers might be the right play. You made a date over the CB radio, and you're meeting the fair maiden at a truck stop parking lot.
Of course, it's still gonna cost you $40, but a gentleman always brings a little something.......although an antiseptic mouthwash (however appropriate to the occasion) is the one gift a gentleman never gives.
Hmmm....a spur o' the moment truckstop blind date...that could work. Thank jesus, I will never know for sure.
Yes flowers for the frugal stalker...lmao...that’s great stuff!
I am ashamed to admit this but several years ago during a bad relationship getting worse, I bought the discolored, limp, odorless, choking in plastic, convenient store rose which I thought would smooth the apology for my coming home at 5am…You get what you pay for! The $1.99 apologetic rose got me the “If you think this little weak ass rose is going to save your sorry excuse for….” speech!
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