Wednesday, May 31, 2006
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Previous Posts
- Everything I need to know, I learned from food poi...
- 6 weird things about me.
- Make way for ducklings
- Picture of the Day
- I missed the memo.
- My odd thought for the night:
- My mailbox should runneth over
- Dairy-baked politics
- Adrenaline and Redi-Whip: a short story made long.
- We are what we eat.
is anybody out there?
hanging out hereThe Progressive Blog Alliance

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I dislike him too. So, whenever I refer to him, I call him the "tough-talking heir to the Kotex fortune." And aren't you glad they didn't decide to call that particular product a "Sensenbrenner"?
I'M going to start calling him that too! Brilliant!
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