Thursday, January 11, 2007
Saturday, July 15, 2006
How the Democrats can lose this thing.
I had to go to a big regional fair yesterday afternoon. In 100 degree heat. It was unpleasant. While I was there, I needed to get some information from the local Republican and Democratic parties, who both had displays there. Now, having worked on political campaigns in the past, I've "worked the booth" at more than my fair share of county fairs. I know it's hot and miserable and a pain in the ass. It takes work and determination to keep a smile on your face and sell your candidates.
That being said, the Republicans I talked to were pleasant and personable and quite helpful. We didn't talk actual political issues though, which helped. This clearly would have been the sticking point.
Likewise, I didn't talk about actual political issues with the Democrats either. Which is a shame...because without the bond of similar political views, these particular Democrats came across as sort of snotty and off-putting.
If I was an undecided voter (which I am decidely NOT), the Dems wouldn't have won me over. I probably would have, however, taken a closer look at the GOP candidates. The mere thought of this makes my blood run cold.
The country is in shambles thanks to the GOP. Everybody knows it. Winning 2006 elections should be a slam dunk for the Democrats. However, if any of my anecdotal evidence is at all valid on a more widespread basis.....I'm not sure that's the case. It's troubling.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Even the fool sometimes has sage insights.
“Oh, shut up.”
So goes my never-ending love-hate relationship with fortune cookie fortunes.
This is not news to anyone who knows me. In fact, I think I may have blogged about it before. But, I feel like blogging about it again. Sue me.
Firstly, I love fortune cookie fortunes because they are random. Also, they are wrapped in a delicious crispy little cookie. But it’s mostly because they are random. One of life’s biggest disappointments is when you have two fortune cookies from the same restaurant and you get the same two fortunes. It ruins the lovely random mysteriousness for me.
On the other hand, I hate fortune cookie fortunes. I hate them because they are, obviously, complete and utter bullshit.
Here are just a few of the fortunes I have sitting in a pile on the desk next to my computer (the fact that I have a rather sizeable collection of fortune cookie fortunes sitting in a pile next to my computer should, realistically, surprise no one):
• When bargain hunting, be practical.
• Others need not lose for you to win.
• You are very wealthy but you don’t know it.
• Plan your graduation party with Leeann Chin Catering & Delivery.
• (Oops….wrong side.)
• Your message must focus on the receiver. Ignore yourself.
See? Total crap.
I’m thinking of buying a package of fortune cookies from the grocery store. Every morning when I wake up, I’ll crack one open and spend the rest of the day living my life according to a very literal translation of said fortune. Could be fun. One time, I decided to carry around the I Ching and a bunch of pennies. Whenever I had to make a decision, I threw down the pennies and consulted the book for guidance. That was only slightly more cryptic (but perhaps an eensy bit less crazy) than letting a fortune cookie guide me.
Oooh…wait…look at this one:
You have more work than you can handle. Go take a rest; you deserve it.
No kidding! I might make a copy of this one to show my boss.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Death and Chocolate Ice Cream
So, I probably should have realized the Universe was trying to send me a message when I inexplicably picked up a box of chocolate ice cream sundae cones at the grocery store tonight. I should have known something bad would happen.
Then I got home to find that my rabbit, Bonny the Bunny, had died. It's devastating to me. I don't care how stupid that sounds. Bonny was a good pet, and probably the sweetest and most docile creature God ever created.
I think Bonny loved me too much. I've had her since college, and she was really attached. She always got kind of sick and moody whenever I was gone for a weekend or a few days. When I left her in Wisconsin while I moved to Louisiana for Teach for America, she developed some rather serious health conditions that never really cleared up, even after I came back home.
The fact that she loved me so much is what troubles me the most. Because as any two-bit psychoanalyst or my mother could tell you, deep down I firmly believe that I don't deserve to be loved. This explains a lot about why I'm so drawn to people who treat me like crap. (But that's an entirely different blog.) It also explains a lot about my attachment to my pets. They love me, and though I don't understand that, it's wonderful. On the flip side, I can love them without feeling like a fool, which is equally wonderful for me.
Losing that is really hard.

Saturday, July 01, 2006
I might be a workaholic.
My place of employment is currently ok-ing overtime hours if you want them, which doesn't always happen. So, I've been taking full advantage. I've had one day off since last Thursday, and I used it to go watch the Twins kick the Dodger's asses at the Metrodome on Tuesday. By the time I have another day off, I'll have worked another 8 straight days. I'll have worked a total of 12 days in a row, except for 1 day off. And I'm more than OK with that.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Vote for Joe
Voting for the MLB All-Star team ENDS TOMORROW NIGHT, so everyone should cast their votes ASAP.
With the best batting average (.398) in all the Majors, Twins catcher Joe Mauer HAS to be in the game. If you're not a baseball fan, vote anyway. It's not going to hurt anything. Plus everyone who votes for Joe, and lists the Twins as one of their two favorite clubs, is automatically entered in a drawing for some cool prizes. (if you win them, and you don't want them, I will take them, and love you forever.)
Monday, June 26, 2006
WHY, for the love of all that is good, would I DO something like that?
Because a supervisor at work asked me to drive one of the precious delinquents to their court hearing this morning, before my REAL shift of work. So, I get to drive to downtown Minneapolis in a ginormous van during rush-hour.
Once again....WHY would I do this?!
Because my employers recently deemed me worthy of receiving health insurance, I now feel beholden to them. This is PROBABLY the reason that I got health insurance. They're sneaky like that.
Counting time I've worked there during college too, I've done this job for 4 years, and I'm JUST getting full benefits NOW. And at that, my boss was doing me a favor.
My boss even said "Congratulations!! You have insurance!" when she told me.
Is the availability of healthcare something we should really earn "Congratulations" for? I think that sort of thing should be likened to "Good job breathing today, keep up the great work!"
Mostly I'm just cranky that because our country doesn't have socialized healthcare, I have to be awake so damn early.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
People, you need to warn me about these things.
So, why on EARTH did no one warn me that the main character's boyfriend is in Teach for America? I like the book, I really do. It's the sort of book I'd be likely to just sit down and read and read and read until I was done. Except for the fact that whenever the author writes about TFA, I have to put the book down and take a break until the nausea and dry-heaving subsides.
Seriously. Let's not be giving TFA any more Pollyana-like publicity. Sometimes I blame FOX and David E. Kelly for getting me into that whole mess in the first place.....had a character on Boston Public not have been a TFA teacher, I probably never would have googled it, never would have applied, interviewed, been accepted and subsequently sold my soul to Wendy Kopp.*
I'm really, really hoping that someone in Hollywood had the foresight to edit that crap out of the movie, for two reasons:
1. I don't want even more impressionable young idealists to get sucked into the crazy creepy cult that is TFA. I'm selfless like that.
2. I'd like to see the movie. But if I do, and the TFA references are still there, I don't know if I'll be able to suppress my urge to shout rude things at the screen. I mean, it's hard enough for me to suppress the urge to spontaneously start applauding whenever I see the Snakes on a Plane teaser. (The last time, I had to sit on my hands.) I'm just not that great at impulse control.
Is it so much to ask that pop culture not foil my efforts to completely forget that Teach for America exists anywhere but in my nightmares?
*Who may or may not wear Prada, but is most definitely the devil.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Best Most Funnest Meme Yet.
1. Choose a band/artist:
The Old 97's. We saw this coming a mile a way, did we not?
2. Answer each question using the title of a song by that band/artist.
3. Are you male or female:
I am a Singular Girl
4. Describe yourself:
5. How do some people feel about you?
They Let the Idiot Speak
6. How do you feel about yourself?
I'm a little bit Jagged.
7. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend:
I Wish the Worst for you.
8. Describe current boyfriend/girlfriend:
Alone So Far
9. Describe where you want to be:
Just Like California
10. Describe how you live:
Am I Too Late?
11. Describe how you love:
If My Heart Were a Car
12. What would you ask for if you had just one wish?
Blinding Sheets of Rain (We have a drought)
13. Share a few words of wisdom:
Let the Train Blow the Whistle
14. Now say goodbye:
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Bad sign?
Probably, huh?
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
How much should you pay to do the right thing?
Now, they've also decided to mandate that any bus company wishing to put a bid forward to provide district bussing, must provide their drivers with paid sick leave. Makes sense to me. If a bus driver's sick, let them stay home rather than get a whole busload of kids sick too. Plus, it's just the decent thing to do.
Unfortunately, they just got the bill for their decency. The paid sick-leave requirement is going to cost the district an additional $850,000 above and beyond increases that they've anticipated. This also comes after a $10 million cut to their proposed budget for next year. The one Republican on the Board is getting all twitchy about it. He's also huffy that it will cost roughly $25,000 to make sure district clothing purchases are sweat-free. He says that "it's not the school district's place to micromanage the free market."
Maybe not. And I understand that the price of doing the decent thing is going to make things tight elsewhere. But I have a hard time condemning Board members for trying to do the right thing. Though many legislators are doing their best to change it, schools are not yet the same as private corporations. They serve a much higher purpose than just looking out for the bottom line. They are supposed to not only be educating our children in the core curricular areas, but also teaching them about how to be good citizens. How better to do that than to show them that basic human rights and fair treatment for workers is a priority to you?
Elona Street-Steward, chairwoman of the board, said "we are the epitome of the highest concentration of American values. We do not teach that the exploitation of people's gifts makes for a successful country."
Wow. You don't hear that too often nowadays.
So, how much IS too much to pay for doing the right thing? It's the Wal-Mart dilemma. Sure, you can get things at a lower cost to you personally. But what about the cost to others? How do you quantify it? Sweatshop workers, Wal-Mart "associates" who are treated poorly, and paid worse, environmental problems caused by the corporation, etc. It all adds up.
So, how do you reconcile personal costs vs. societal and global costs?
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Confession Time
I shamelessly stole this from Jim. Who stole it from someone else. Who stole it from someone else. Who no doubt stole it from someone else. A meme is born.
The rules to this are: List 10 things you want to say to people but never will. Don't say who there are, and use people only once.
I didn't do a MySpace/Blogger-specific list, since that's WAY not anonymous enough for my taste. But here are my 10 general ones, in no particular order of importance:
10. I'm not sure what you want from me. That uncertainty freaks me out completely.
9. I know that you're a raping, sexually-harassing, son of a bitch. That's why I think it's neither funny nor cute when you ask if you can drive my car, and why I always say "No way." So you can just stop asking.
8. I think I might like you, but that's completely inexplicable, which disturbs me. So, I'm just going to convince myself that I don't care whether you live or die, and will continue to treat you as such in every forced encounter during the day.
7. I think you made a huge mistake.
6. I cried on the happiest day of your life, and they weren't tears of mutual joy, if you know what I mean.
5. I wish you had never told me you loved me, because I believed you.
4. You suck out loud.
3. I actually knew every time you were lying to me. I just didn't care enough about you to call you on it.
2. Your husband makes inappropriate comments to me whenever we're in a room alone together.
1. You're so much better than this, what the hell happened to you?
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Every day is a new adventure.
After a series of increasingly frustrating phone calls to my dealer (car, not crack), and a variety of roadside assistance numbers (none of which were too hot on the "assistance" part), we decided to leave the car there overnight and either figure out how to fix or tow it tomorrow. But that was only after FOUR fun-filled hours camping out at The O.G. I finally pulled a fuzzy blanket out of my trunk and we chilled on that for a while, watching hundreds of other cars that DIDN'T crap out on their owners, whiz by. No one took the parking space next to mine the entire time we were there. I think it's because they thought we were homeless people who would beg them for money.
The situation was only made funnier by the fact that between the two of us, we were wearing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles t-shirt and an Air Supply t-shirt. "Opposites Attract" by Paula Abdul may or may not have been playing on my sound system. It was kind of like we were Marty McFly and Doc, and our magical Delorean busted down on our way Back to the Future, from 1990. Now we're stuck in 2006, and it kind of sucks.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Well, THAT's disappointing.
I got REALLY excited about that.
But it was just a false alarm. It was only a non-amish elderly gentleman whose attire happened to resemble an amish dress and hat from a distance.

I was sad. To see an amish woman jogging in a dress would have made my day. Old men wearing weird clothes are a dime a dozen.