Monday, November 14, 2005
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Previous Posts
- Talking Turkey (And milk, and cheese, and beef, an...
- Friday Random Ten: The Ideas Network Edition
- Wish me luck
- My pointless thought for the day...
- Sorry...
- Friday. Again. You know the drill.
- Fun with Screen Captures!
- We are the champions, my friends....
- Happy Halloween
- Mobility Rules
is anybody out there?
hanging out hereThe Progressive Blog Alliance

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I couldn't get onto your blog earlier, leading me to think something had happened to it. Glad to see you're back!
It hasn't snowed in Lafayette since 1988. The concept of the first snowfall (not to mention this thing called "wonter") is lost on us. But then again, most things are lost on us.
"Winter," not "wonter." Wonter is a very common descriptive of the Louisiana job market.
So, MIGHT say that this is the wonter of you discontent, eh?
It went all right. My percentiles and writing score should be arriving in the mail shortly. I'll know more then.
i get like that every year too. it _is_ magical! romantic even. i'm still waiting for our first snowfall though.. but i know it's coming soon cos there was frost on the cars this morning.. :)
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