Monday, November 07, 2005
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Previous Posts
- Friday. Again. You know the drill.
- Fun with Screen Captures!
- We are the champions, my friends....
- Happy Halloween
- Mobility Rules
- Random Ten: Mobile edition
- I am not surprised.
- I love baseball....but this was ridiculous.
- And speaking of music....
- Tuesday Totally Predictable Twenty-Five
is anybody out there?
hanging out hereThe Progressive Blog Alliance

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damn. is it just pure coincident (again??) that we lack energy at the same time? i've been really low for days.
The only thing I've managed to do lately is change my profile pic to more accurately reflect my ego. Our blog cycles must be synchronized.
Honestly...I'm pretty underwhelmed. This blog sucks.
Yup. It does. Now shoo.
You know, I'd be more impressed with that if you'd at least gone to the pretense of making up an interesting name. If I was you (which obviously, I am NOT) I would have picked "Wowbagger." Those enlightened few among us would have appreciated that.
Yes, I do think it's catching. Just the times, I guess. Whatever the reason, I hope everyone returns to top form soon.
And Flamingo, screw the anonymous person. If they have a blog, it obviously wasn't one they felt worthy of sharing. We should laugh at people like that; they are unimportant in life.
Jones, what's up with Joaquin's right eye? Is he trying for the part of Two Face in Batman Just Won't Die?
Yes, that sucked, I'm out of ideas, meself.
You know, I was drinking last night when I posted that. It was really mean of me, and I apologize. I don't like how you claim to be "cool all the time," but that doesn't give me an excuse to insult your blog.
Ian, please work on your grammar. "If _they_ have a blog"? I am only one person, thank you. Also, your direction for Flamingo to screw me is uncalled for; sex should be taken very seriously, and I am not sure that Flamingo's sex life--or mine for that matter--is any of your business. Finally, your assertion that I am "unimportant in life" is ridiculous--I am a two-time crossword puzzle champion.
Also, I think Ian referred to you as "they" because he couldn't tell if you were male or female. Whereas I sort of assume that you are a "he." No offense to the other "he"s here. It's just that bitchy women are usually more creative.
language geek:on
i'm sorry jones for dragging this further, but i must say that having recently taken courses in english grammar, there indeed is a singular 'they' that may not be frequently used, but certainly correct to use. if that was ian's meaning. personally i got the impression he was speaking generally, but i can be wrong.
language geek:off
I agree with Jenny...Ian's about the most particular person that I know, in regards to grammar. I'll side with him on this ridiculous non-debate.
And no, my fake-boyfriend Joaquin didn't have a cleft lip. It's just a birth scar. And it's hot.
from a wiki on "singular they"
"Although language purists have long attacked this usage as being grammatically incorrect, singular they has a centuries-long history of use by the greatest authors of the English language, including Jane Austen and William Shakespeare."
"The use of singular they in formal writing is on the rise. This may be due, at least in part, to an increasing desire for gender-neutral language; while writers a hundred years ago might have had no qualm using he with a referrent of indeterminate gender, writers today often feel uncomfortable with this. The solution in formal writing has often been to write he or she, or something similar, but this has been widely condemned both as being awkward and as being overly politically correct. Singular they sounds less obstructive and more natural to many ears than he or she, since it is used natually in coversation with no such conscious motive."
So there. I declare that Ian beats the anonymous asshole in the grammar contest. Imagine that.
But what's going on with his EYE?!? (Not Anon. because who cares about him, but Joaquin, because I'm awfully concerned about him.)
Jen and Jones are both right on the "they," You Who is Nameless. I have a master's degree in English, and the funny thing about that level of education is that you find that most variations of the English language--from the use of "they" as "he/she" to Ebonics--have deep linguistic roots and are correct even if nobody knows it.
Incidentally, this hoopla distracts from the simple amusing fact that the "they" question came from someone who has not disclosed HIS or HER gender.
It's scary HFB, I know. But don't worry. I'll take care of him.
(Joaquin, not Anon. Obviously. Anon. gets no care.)
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