Wednesday, July 20, 2005
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Previous Posts
- Hello
- Is this how nihilists are made?
- Why is John Kerry still asking me for money?
- Baby-stepping onto the Blog
- The Cheese Stands Alone
- More blogging about blogging
- Blog Triage
- Haste Makes Waste
- No good deed goes unpunished
- Friday Random Ten: Extended Version
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And I bet that if you spend less than 15 minutes in the bathroom, it arouses the suspicion of your coworkers.
do porn actors have a union? insurance? maternity leave?
phizz, i would think they have obligatory maternity sacking. but that's just me.
I hear they get paid time off for STD treatments. Can't beat that.
i get that alot, but my peepee is really tiny.
I thought I was the inspiration for this post! :(
Wobbleboard almost clicked my link to Mary Carey at work.
Ian cajoled me into posting the resulting joke I made up.
Like a post about porn can't have more than one catalyst? There's more than enough credit to go around.
hah! Thanks for the laugh.
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