Thursday, November 17, 2005
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Previous Posts
- 31 random things
- The snow is falling and friends are calling "yoo h...
- Talking Turkey (And milk, and cheese, and beef, an...
- Friday Random Ten: The Ideas Network Edition
- Wish me luck
- My pointless thought for the day...
- Sorry...
- Friday. Again. You know the drill.
- Fun with Screen Captures!
- We are the champions, my friends....
is anybody out there?
hanging out hereThe Progressive Blog Alliance

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A "math-facts" turkey? Sounds like every math test I've ever taken. Apt description indeed.
I believe you said toward the end, "make OUT for today's total crappiness." Freudian slip? You should know Harry's still too young for you! :)
Listen again....I just checked and I totally said "UP." I think you're fruedian-hearing-things :)
And yes, I had to fashion a giant two-dimensional turkey out of construction paper. The tail feathers have a variety of math facts written on them. The turkey has a speech bubble reading: "DON'T BE A TURKEY! KNOW YOUR MATH FACTS!" This is how low I've sunk.
wow. i've never passed out. i was about to at a garbage concert once, but i got out of the pit just in time. i imagine it's confusing to wake up. is it?
Yeah. Confusing and, in my cases, very VERY embarrassing.
Thankfully, I usually realize that I'm going to pass out a few seconds before I the time at the high school assembly. I had enough time to say to my friend standing behind me, "Erica, I think I'm passing out..." and the next thing I knew, I was down on the track, looking up at everyone staring at me. It's a good thing she caught me though, so I didn't crack my head on the track surface. I'm such a pansy.
an electronic device
for kicking death's ass
(Haiku flashback, sorry)
Thank you barn! That's what I'd thought it was, and then the Red Cross person kept calling it a deFRIBulator, and then I felt stupid.
Of course, someone in our group also thought that asthma was, I'm going to try my hardest not to have a medical emergency around any of them.
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