Monday, December 19, 2005
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Previous Posts
- Welcome to the Monkeyhouse
- All sorts of Friday randomness
- It's hard to be coherent right now. Sue me.
- Did anyone notice
- It's all Greek to me
- More Movie Insights
- Always Winter and Never Christmas
- The 2005 Flamingo Jones Music Awards
- "Sexy Secret Car Decal" or "Flamingo's Latest Crac...
is anybody out there?
hanging out hereThe Progressive Blog Alliance

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Cool blog!
Ah, stealth marketing! Barf. Might be time to put the spam filter back on.
So what software are you using for that? I totally want to do those too! Your voice sounds great and (save for a couple of volume inconsistencies) the overall package is tight. Teach me, fair Flamingo!
Yeah, there were some big ol' glitches...but not too bad for a first run-through edited hastily.
impressive use of technology
Great flamingocast, Jones. I too love both Leon Redbone and "Baby, it's cold outside" (but I still prefer the Dean Martin version - btw, have you heard Rebone's "Christmas Island" album?).
Will this 'casting be a regular weekly thing? (Maybe once you get Ian going on this, you two could hook up somehow, and do a show - just a thought).
P.S. Sorry about the Packers - I couldn't stand to watch the whole game - ouch!
coffee, baby! coffee! it's the solution to every problem. especially morning jawning and a tired brain. :)
but really. i would love to have a more human morning radio talker, that yawns a little every now and then, in my ear when i'm tired myself. maybe then i'd actually listen to morning radio by my own free will. cos those manic people the stations over here has just makes me want to go bananas.
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