Friday, January 20, 2006
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Previous Posts
- It's Friday. I should post something.
- My new favorite book.
- But where's the warning about trans fat?
- No need for a search party....I'm just at the movies.
- First Random Ten of the New Year
- Quit yer bitchin' Hollywood.
- I will eventually kick the habit of trying to chan...
- This does not bode well for 2006.
- Random resolution
- Good riddance
is anybody out there?
hanging out hereThe Progressive Blog Alliance

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with a bit of imagination, nothing is impossible; that is you got me to laugh :)
This reminds me of a friend of mine in college who ran track, was in the National Guard and looked liked Tupac. He would sometimes wear (no kidding) a BEANIE to practice! A full-on propeller hat with different colors. It was automatically cool when he did it, and he even shared it with some of us sometimes. Though I never quite got down the Tupac-with-a-beanie look like he did.
Friday-night delirium is always fun, huh?
that completely sounds like something ethan suplee's character on "my name is earl" would do.
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