Sunday, January 01, 2006
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from Flamingo Jones tagged with badge. Make your own badge here.
Previous Posts
- Good riddance
- I like gray areas.
- He sure ain't the only one.
- "Call Me ASAP!"
- Friday Random Ten:
- An Open Letter to NYC.
- My head has just exploded.
- It's like a radio show....
- Welcome to the Monkeyhouse
is anybody out there?
hanging out hereThe Progressive Blog Alliance

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uh-oh. *staying out of your way*
Don't worry jenny, (you know, for some reason when ever I type your name, I get the urge to do a Forrest Gump impression) I can guarantee you that if I were to target anyone in such a manner, they would be a Republican. Or a badger.
phew. i consider myself to be in a safe zone from now on.
and please, should we ever meet irl, give in to the urge. :)
Hey. I've got the badgers covered, okay!
And , in my experience, doing Forrest Gump impressions around people named Jenny eventually gets you smacked in the back of the head.
Hey, are you taking down suggestions for whose life? I have a list ... Or, is this comment moderation thingie to make MY life miserable? Damn ...
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