Monday, December 26, 2005
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Previous Posts
- "Call Me ASAP!"
- Friday Random Ten:
- An Open Letter to NYC.
- My head has just exploded.
- It's like a radio show....
- Welcome to the Monkeyhouse
- All sorts of Friday randomness
- It's hard to be coherent right now. Sue me.
is anybody out there?
hanging out hereThe Progressive Blog Alliance

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Perhaps his problem is too much work. His coworkers in Congress could really do him a favor by lightening his workload considerably. That would really help us, I mean him.
i agree ian, that man is in dire need of a vacation. get thee to a ranch, i say.
i don't hope he has a better year, i hope everybody else does. the two are mutually exclusive, it seems.
I don't know. 2005 was so bad that it kicked even his ass. But I don't think anyone's yet told him it's done so.
"a Godly man like George W. Bush"
And I thought you were a troll all along! Your satire has been so brilliant that it had escaped even my filter. Pat yourself on the back! That's hard to do.
Unless you're arguing that the world is better off with Americans stuck killing Iraqis and a resurgence of terrorism that all but guarantees more 9/11-type attacks. That straddles the line between satire and sheer stupidity.
What are you talking about! The reason George W. Bush is the president is because he got a MANDATE, so if you think this is a nation made up entirely of trolls, why don't you and your boyfriend go on a MAN DATE tonight in some other country!!!!!!
Dear anonymous (if that is your real name),
You aren't a Christian (although you ovbiously care more about the oppressed than Ian does). My question however, is (even though you aren't a Christian): why bother standing up for a "Godly" man like Bush, when you aren't a Christian?
OK Anonymous. See, now, I thought you were mildly amusing before...when you were just a random prick who had some problem with me personally.
That was kind of new and exciting.
I'm not ashamed to say that it's a total let-down that you're really just another lame repressed Republican with an ax to grind, and too cowardly to put a name with the garbage you spew.
" so how about you go perform oral sex on a donkey schlong." Hmm. Nice talk. You kiss your priest with that mouth? Also, there should be a question mark at the end of that sentence.
Michel, what do you mean that the nameless person cares more about the oppressed than I do? Is that a swipe at my stance on Iraq? Because last I checked, there are millions of oppressed and impoverished people in our own country, who (unlike most Iraqis) actually want the government's help.
I honestly can't imagine the anonymous one coming out on top of anyone in this thread in terms of piety and empathy. All I read from anonymous is political bile, personal insults and lip-service to morality.
I think/hope Michel was being sarcastic about that.
Ian's a wonderfully compassionate person.
Ah, you gotta love the latest method of sidestepping the anonymous block: establishing a profile and then disallowing views of said profile. Come on, man, "catie?" Is that the best you could do?
I will say this: the difference between Flamingo Jones and her trolls is that Flamingo at least gets rid of her shit. The trolls just hold it in because something has to keep their heads from collapsing.
I'm sorry Ian, but anonymous said that "If you had your way, Saddam Hussein would be killing Iraqis and 9/11 would happen ever day." I simply cannot support that! How could you ever say such cruel and inhu...
...wait a minute... didn't say that, did you?
Okay, so you never said any such thing, but the logic still holds: to criticize (or to even mock) George W. Bush means that you wish the worst for the rest of humanity. Yeah...I'm sure that that works.
Sorry Ian - it's hard to argue against that kind of logic. I'm afraid that you're still a cruel and heartless man.
Oh my god, "Catie." Please, please, please keep posting that kind of trash. You are the poster-child for Republican/Pseudo-Christian morals and intellect. You do more to further the Liberal agenda in ONE comment than the rest of us could possibly do in a whole day.
Who WOULDN'T choose your particular path to enlightenment when you're such a shining beacon of righteousness....doing unto others as you would have them do unto you...following Christ's example, and all that. Hallelujah. You shouldn't hide that light under a bushel-basket, baby...crawl out from under your rock of anonymity and let it shine!
Joke: What's transparent and lies in the gutter?
Answer: A neo-con with the shit kicked out of him.
(Since we're on that level, I thought I'd share that.)
mmm.. speaking russian and having gay homosexual sex! sounds like a party, where do i sign up? :D
btw. the last time i checked 'gay' and 'homosexual' was different words for the same thing. saying cream twice doesn't make it tastier. so to speak.
OK, you know what? I work all day with crazy people...I refuse to do it on my free time without being paid time and a half. I'm ignoring you and switching to comment moderation until further notice. I apologize to all of my friends who are not insane and irritating for any inconvenience.
Catie: "You see, you advocate violence toward your fellow Americans, and yet seek to stop violence against terrorists."
Nobody but you is advocating any sort of foul behavior against another, catie. On the other hand, all of us have to suffer stifled discussion because of your actions. Personally, I'm tired of paying for mistakes I actively avoid making.
i have an urge to say sonething about the lovely *ahem* rhyming there, but maybe i shouldn't add gasoline to the fire.
and jones, no inconvenience here. if i am indeed sane. :)
Wow. A fellow takes a little internet hiatus and look at what he misses!
Jones: If you have 'people' like 'catie' pissed off at you, you must be living right. Nicely done!
And, anon, I'm pretty sure that GWB isn't supposed to look like the devil, but Moloch the Corrupter from season one of Buffy. (Interestingly, if I may channel Rupert Giles for a moment, the chief feature of Moloch's worship seems to have been the sacrifice of children, much as we're doing today in the name of GWB. At 2175 of our children so far, we make the Canaanites look like Mary Poppins.)
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Barn, I love your Buffy analogy! Up with geeks!
And this is a message for my anonymous visitor calling itself "Catie":
I apologize for saying this in a public forum, but you leave me no way to say it privately to you.
I honestly think you need some help. I'm not being glib about that. I take mental health advocacy very seriously.
I'm sure that you tell yourself that this is a joke, and you believe it's all in good fun. But, you need to understand that people in good mental health do not behave this way, no matter the motive. I'm concerned about you, truly.
Your frequent visits here motivated me to check my site statistics. You may be anonymous on the page, but IP addresses don't lie. In the past 48 hours, you have visited this page 46 times. That is obsessive. Whatever need you have that this behavior is must find another, healthier way to meet that need.
In spite of our differences, I will help you find a mental health professional in your area if you need me to. I know a large network of therapists, and I'm certain that I can get you a local referral. If your faith is important to you, which I suspect it is even in spite of your un-Christian behavior, I also know some very good Christian therapists and counselors who would be willing to recommend equally qualified colleagues in your area.
If you are in need of help, contact me and I will assist you in finding it. Aside from that, I will no longer provide you with the negative attention that you seek, and I encourage the other readers here to do the same. If you have insight or opinions to share, please come back when you are able to express them in a healthy way and have found more positive ways to get attention.
Good luck with everything.
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