Friday, December 02, 2005
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Previous Posts
- Friday Random Ten
- I'm awake.....I'm awake....
- Quote of the day
- There goes the neighborhood!
- Macabre Milestone
- An Open Letter to the Old 97’s
- What the hell.....I forgot it was Friday AGAIN.
- "There weren't another other way to be."
- I'm not posting anything here today.
- This is all I got.
is anybody out there?
hanging out hereThe Progressive Blog Alliance

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fraggle rock rocks! :D
I've seen the Olsen-twins videos! Holy crap! "We'll solve any crime...before dinnertime!" You can tell that every shot took like 300 takes. My sister was into them and Barney, thus delaying my mental development for several years.
Hey, there's an idea! Barney! As long as you're being cruel...
Hey! Watch it!
The dinosaur, barn, not your eponymous 60s icon, the Pez dispenser!
The Geneva Convention's fine with it. Jim Henson's original goal in creating Fraggle Rock was to bring about world peace. No joke.
Fraggle Rock is some deep philosphical doody. Seriously. My favorite quote comes from Wembly Fraggle in the second episode called "Wembly and the Gorgs":
"I guess some kinds of slavery feel like freedom."
Beat that.
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