Thursday, October 20, 2005
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Previous Posts
- Life is looking up.
- Flamingojones Trivial
- I hate the news. I hate the world.
- If diamonds are a girl's best friend, that explain...
- Jesus H. Christ, it's Friday again?
- 10 points for originality, maybe?
- "I love Deadlines."
- Yesterday (In New Bullet-Point Format!):
- Why I hate the game of Life.
- The Agony and the Irony
is anybody out there?
hanging out hereThe Progressive Blog Alliance

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Wow! So you ARE a red-blooded American after all! Jusry's still out on some of us.
I'm sorry that things aren't going so well for you. I sympathize. My knees should be pretty torn-up right with you. They are ashen-white, if that helps. But they're skinned inside, and that's what matters.
aao. me no like flamingo hurt. :( you want hugs and chocolate? (cos that's, so far, my only recipe against pain that doesn't include mds of some kind.)
on the bright side you'll have scabs to pick at. what's funner than that? nothing, that's what.
Hey, it could be worse. That could be your midsection, which I first thought it was, (and I was HORRIFIED,) until I read the post.
OMIGAWD! Jones only has one boobie, and what the HELL is wrong with her stomach ... oh, never mind.
So much for "Life looking up". That looks painful!
Scars are good conversation pieces!
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