I'm awake.....I'm awake....
If being a normal, productive member of society requires me to be awake and functional at this ungodly hour, I think I'll pass.
Al Qaeda leaders bin Laden and al-Zarqawi haven't been found "primarily because they don't want us to find them and they're going to great lengths to make sure we don't find them," Goss said in the interview broadcast Tuesday on ABC's "Good Morning America."But I suppose we're really good at finding the international terrorists that WANT to get caught. That's a relief.
"We're doing quite well. Inevitably, we're going to have to capture some terrorists and inevitably they're going to have to have some due process."I've seen the photos...I know they're just itching to due process the hell out of 'em!
The government of Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin fell Monday evening when opposition parties united to topple him with a no-confidence vote. Martin's center-left Liberal Party has been dogged by a corruption scandal, in which it paid advertising firms with Liberal links more than $1 million with little or no work done in exchange. An election -- probably in January -- could now end 12 years of Liberal rule in America's largest trading partner.
Today’s as good a day as any to reexamine where you stand on capital punishment.
Since the Supreme Court began allowing states to execute prisoners again in 1976, the U.S. has put 997 inmates to death. This week, if all goes according to plan, we’ll see the deaths of the 998th, 999th, and 1,000th prisoners.
I don’t want to rehash all the same old arguments on the subject. But I do think it bears repeating that in the past 32 years, 120 prisoners have been proved innocent and released from death row. Most of those releases have only come in the past 15 years or so, since DNA evidence has been more easily examined. Mistakes are made. So, I think everyone needs to assume that some innocent people have probably been counted in the number of deaths. I guess I just am not the sort of person who thinks it’s ok for one or two innocent folks to die for the greater good. I like Immanuel Kant.
“Never act in such a way as to treat people merely as a means to an end, but rather treat them as ends in themselves.”
But even with this landmark 1,000 execution looming, most of the recent death penalty attention is focused on Stanley “Tookie” Williams out in California. The co-founder of the Crips gang is slated to die on December 13th, but Governor Schwarzenegger has agreed to a clemency hearing. (A celebrity politician meeting with a celebrity criminal….there’s a bad joke there somewhere, but I’m not touching it.) Don’t get me wrong….I hope he IS granted clemency. I’m 100% against the death penalty. However, Schwarzenegger hasn’t granted clemency for any others thus far…so if he does in this case, I have to wonder if the celebrities alone are to thank for it And I haven’t jumped on that star-studded “Tookie’s a Great Guy Now” bandwagon. I just don’t buy the idea that his anti-gang children’s books have saved as many kids as the number of kids’ lives that were destroyed thanks to him. But that’s beside the point. I don’t want to see him executed.
I just wish there was as much outcry over capital punishment in general right now. Don’t forget the other 1,000+ before him, and however many will come after him.
Don’t get me wrong….spending the day jumping around my house playing air-guitar was good too…..but it’s not quite the same.
We ordered our family’s Thanksgiving turkey today. We had to order it ahead of time because we wanted an organic turkey. Call me crazy, but I’m distrustful when a commercially raised turkey is genetically manipulated to become basically nothing more than just a giant walking poultry boob. Actually, that’s not true. Most of those big boob turkeys are so top heavy that they couldn’t walk, even if they tried. They can’t stand on their own legs, and instead spend their short existence squatting. So, ew.
I want a normal looking, normally proportioned turkey. That’s why we’re going organic, farm-raised, this year.
I’m already a big fan of organic foods, especially dairy products. When the bovine growth hormone (rBGH) was introduced in the 90s, the FDA swore up and down that it would not be harmful to humans. Which might be true, I don’t know. But I swear that milk started tasting funny. I’m a Wisconsinite, where all that dairy business hits pretty close to home, so maybe I overreacted. But I didn’t drink milk at all for a long time. I stayed off the white stuff, basically until organic milk became more readily available. It’s more expensive, yeah. But it tastes better. It really does. Plus, organic farming has basically saved the family farm dairy industry here. In a world where hormones and antibiotics and mass-producing factory farms reign supreme, many small farms were able to stay afloat by going through the lengthy and difficult process of being certified “organic.”
But, that may all come to a screeching halt, thanks to our friends in Congress. On October 26, they sneaked (snuck? dammit…that one always throws me) through a measure meant to drastically weaken the laws governing what can technically be labeled “organic.”
Previously, the courts had ruled that any food considered USDA Organic had to be made from 95% organic materials, and it had to be 100% natural. But, giving into pressure from food lobbies and major producers like Kraft and Smuckers (I could go on and on about the evilness of Kraft foods….but that’s for another time), Congress decided that organic foods should be allowed to contain synthetic materials too. And organic cows should be given antibiotics and genetically engineered feed. Lovely.
Consumer groups say the integrity of organic food is at stake and have generated more than 200,000 letters to Congress against the companies’ efforts. It’s a “sneak attack” on standards for organic food, said Ronnie Cummins, president of the Organic Consumers Association.
“People don’t expect food labeled ‘organic’ to contain artificial ingredients, said Urvashi Rangan, a scientist for Consumers Union. The industry wants to be able to use the organic seal without shouldering the burden of people’s expectations,” she said.
[Arthur] Harvey said money is at stake.
“As soon as you require a product to be manufactured from all-natural ingredients, it costs more. I don’t deny that,” he said. “They’re in business to make money. If it’s cheaper for them to get the rules changed than it is to use all-natural ingredients, well, that’s the way they’ll go.”
You gotta love it when we level the playing field for the Goliaths of the world, huh?
So, anyway. I’ll be enjoying my organic turkey this year, while I still can.
And then last night I had that strange dream3. Earlier today, I read a news story about Karl Rove saying something or other about Conservatives winning judicial debates. I don't remember exactly what it was, and I can't be bothered to find it again....besides, that's not the point. My point is: why is Karl Rove saying ANYTHING? Just because he hasn't been indicted, that doesn't mean he's in the clear. Someone needs to muzzle him. Metaphorically speaking. Or literally speaking. Whichever.
Where everything was exactly how it seemed
Where concerns about the world getting warmer
The people thought they were just being rewarded
For treating others as they like to be treated
For obeying stop signs and curing diseases
For mailing letters with the address of the sender
Now we can swim any day in November