Wednesday, May 31, 2006

High Points

Today had few high points, but they are noteworthy.

a) A random kid told me I had a cool car in a very awe-inspired tone.
b) Louisiana Phillip, my own personal sex-symbol, talked to me on the phone for nearly two hours. Just what the doctor ordered.
c) I found out that my friends Amanda and Roxanne didn't get to see X-Men 3 all the way through the second time, so Amanda is still willing to see it again with me (sorry Roxy )
d) I was able to eat not one, but TWO yogurt cups!
e) Amanda and I are totally going to Chicago to see King Tut this summer. Because we're awesome like that.

I really dislike Jim Sensenbrenner.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Everything I need to know, I learned from food poisoning,

I woke up last night sicker than I can remember being in a long time. It was a rough night. And a rough day. I can manage to be up and about for roughly 5 minutes before I have to collapse in an exhausted, I'm going to type fast.

The best guess as to what is currently making me wish I was dead seems to be food poisoning, or salmonella poisoning. It's....unpleasant.

I have learned a few things though:
  • When your body is trying to reject poison, you will vomit with such force that blood vessels will burst in your face, making you look like a circus freak.
  • It's entirely possible to subsist on nothing but 10 pieces of finger jello.
  • The best (but most unrecognized) feeling in the world is "not throwing up."
There are probably more, but it's about time to collapse again.

Friday, May 26, 2006

6 weird things about me.

I got tagged on MySpace with this meme, so I figured I'd post it here too, because it's Friday, I'm bored, and I have nothing more exciting to say.

1. I only have six bones in my neck, instead of seven. No one knows why. Also, one of my pupils doesn't contract like normal. That should probably count as weird thing #2, but I figured I'd lump all of my physical abnormalities into one. I'm a freak. The pupil thing causes trouble any time I have to see a new doctor, because they always think I have a concussion. I try to explain that it's just the way my eyes are, and after I'm able to successfully tell them my address, what year it is and who the president is, they usually believe me.

2. I'm a good cook, but I frequently tell people that I'm not. Once people find out you're a good cook, they want you to actually DO it. It's too much pressure. When it comes to cooking, I'm happy wallowing in the soft bigotry of low expectations, personally. Then when I do cook, and people like it, they make a big deal out of it, ensuring that my cooking abilities will never be taken for granted.

3. I don't give blood, and I'm not an organ donor. It's awful, I know. But, I tend to pass out and be sick for days after I have even a little bit of blood drawn. I'm not saying that wouldn't be worth it in a dire and immediate emergency....but I don't really want to volunteer for it. As for my organs...there are a few reasons I don't sign the donor card.
  • If I'm ever in a life-threatening situation, I don't want the doctors to have any agenda besides doing whatever they can to save me.
  • In the 2002 Clint Eastwood movie "Bloodwork," a serial killer targeted people of a certain blood-type who were on donor lists. While I know that probably would never happen to me, I'd rather be on the safe side.
  • With the kind of luck I have, I'm pretty sure that the day I signed the donor card, something awful would happen. I don't like to tempt fate.
  • I've grown quite fond of my organs, and I'd like to take them with me.
  • When I was in elementary school, the father of one of my classmates came to school to talk about his job as an EMT. There was talk about scissors. And corneas. And donors. I can't even type about it without freaking out. It scarred me.
It's irrational, I know. But keep in mind that a majority of my decisions are based my overwhelming (and frankly annoying) habit of trying to save the world. So, I think I can make this one irrationally selfish decision. Everyone can spare me the lecture, I already got it from the DMV employees.

4. In college, I went to an NSYNC concert. It was under duress, if that helps. My roommate freshman year was obsessed with them, and she talked me into going with her to see them at the Target Center. Aside from a bazillion screaming and crying 13 year old girls, it wasn't THAT bad. The boys could dance. I'll give them that.

5. I hate basketball. I guess that's not weird in and of itself....but everybody seems to love NCAA and NBA basketball. I used to, but I can't stand it anymore. It's the only major sport that I don't enjoy watching (I don't consider NASCAR a sport...otherwise there would be TWO sports I don't enjoy watching.)

6. I found two four-leaf clovers in ten minutes just now. I think that's a little weird. But this way I can use the Old 97's line "Why don't you come over? I'll show you my four-leaf clover" all summer long.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Make way for ducklings

Say hello to the newest members of my family:

I have ten baby Swedish Blue ducklings now. They're pretty adorable. When they get a little older, they're going to live on a relative's farm. But, while they're still tiny, fluffy and sweet, they're staying with me.

They were hatched yesterday, and spent several hours in a mail truck before making their way here, but that didn't do a thing to lessen their ducky instincts. After they all took turns trying to paddle around their food/water dish, I took them outside for their very first group swim. In a cake pan. It was grand fun. Then, tonight, I made them watch Lost with me from their cage. It's hard to translate their "beep beep beep"s, but I think they liked it.

Picture of the Day

Target had a sale on Jones Soda. And my friend Amanda and I are quite possibly the most ridiculous people I know. NO ONE needs this much pop. My poor car could barely hold it all.

Monday, May 22, 2006

I missed the memo.

Apparently Prince is sexy.

I did not know this.

Everywhere I turn today, people are talking about the PETA Sexiest Vegetarians poll...I heard about it on the radio, on the news, and on more blogs than I can count.

Prince is a genius, for sure. Iconic, absolutely. But I'm not attracted to him. At all. He's like 4 feet tall and slightly unbalanced. He's like a talented Tom Cruise. Not my thing.

So, I'm kind of baffled that voters picked him as the Sexiest vegetarian dude.

Especially when THESE guys were in the running:

I'm not sure what people were thinking. I think this poll was probably even more rigged than American Idol and the NBA combined.

I'm kind of glad that I stopped eating meat* BEFORE this poll came out, otherwise everyone would think that I decided to stop eating meat because of Joaquin Phoenix. I admit though that it's a lot easier to not eat meat if I imagine the disappointed way Joaquin and Mos Def would look at me if I did.

*I must confess that I gave myself a few exceptions to this rule, including Metrodome hot dogs, and things my mom cooks and insists that I try. Because trust me, it's a lot easier to set aside my new ethos than it is to argue with my mother.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

My odd thought for the night:

When is Dippin' Dots going to stop being "The Ice Cream of the Future®," and start just being "The Ice Cream®"?

Dippin' Dots has been around since 1987. Welcome to the future, folks.

Isn't it about time that they made good on their promise?

In order to find out the date that Dippin' Dots started, I went to their website. There, I was forced to read how Dippin' Dots are made. This kind of made me queasy, because they keep talking about how the ice cream beads are "cryogenically frozen." That makes me think about Walt Disney's frozen corpse, which severely reduces any interest I had in ice cream of any kind. (Except maybe these. I LOVE them, even when I think about Frozen Walt Disney. Or maybe especially when I think about Frozen Walt Disney.)

The website also compares the advent of the Dippin' Dots to the invention of the microwave oven.

Hmm. Microwave ovens allowed people to cook food more quickly and efficiently. Dippin' Dots required a trip to the mall or amusement park in order to get an ice cream fix. I don't quite see how the two are comparable. But, whatever. The Dippin' Dots girls at our mall give out free samples, so I won't complain.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

My mailbox should runneth over

I think everyone should send me a thank you note for the good weather this weekend.

Because I have come to the conclusion that I actually DO make the weather.

I've noticed that every weekend I DON'T work is cold and gross. And every weekend I DO work is beautiful.

This is obviously not a coincidence.

Also, consider the fact that I got new ski gear for Christmas this year, which resulted in an abnormal lack of snow all winter. That's some pretty conclusive evidence of my weather-making capabilities.

If only I could figure out a way to harness this power for good, instead of evil.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Dairy-baked politics

Yesterday was a big day in Wisconsin politics.

Bad news first.

Good news to come later. As soon as I have time.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Adrenaline and Redi-Whip: a short story made long.

As I've mentioned before, I'm kind of a competitive person. If I'm given a task with even the slightest suggestion that it may be a contest or competition, I become like a machine: a frighteningly competitive ass-kicking machine. It's probably not healthy, but it's kind of fun, honestly. And it makes me win a lot, so that's a bonus.

I'm not a jerk about it, really. In fact, I often avoid competition with friends and close acquaintances if I'm not sure how they'll react to Robo-Flamingo. But sometimes I'm forced into competitive situations, and then...well....god help everyone.

Case in point:

Last week was the End of the Year Picnic for my tutoring program. Except that the weather was crappy, so our picnic was indoors. In order to keep the kids entertained inside, we hired a clown. All was fine and well until the very end of her clown/magic show. At this point, she requested "grown-up volunteers. We need some teachers up here!"

Now, if you know anything about education, you know that when someone who has been hired to entertain and delight your students asks for adult volunteers, nothing good is going to come of that. If you have the misfortune of being picked, you can be assured that you are about to be publicly humiliated for the amusement of a room full of shrieking children. And there's nothing you can do about it. You can't say "no," because then you're forever labeled "that crabby teacher lady who doesn't like fun."

Knowing all of this, as soon as her call for volunteers came, I tried to shrink as low as possible in my seat and become invisible. I'm not really into clowns, or public humiliation. But thanks to the handful of children near me screaming "Over here! Over here!" and pointing at me, I could not escape the clown's gaze, and my fate was sealed.

Four of us unlucky adults got pulled up front. At that point, the clown announced that we were going to have "a little contest."

I perked up at that.

The clown came around and put a mask on my face. I didn't see what it was at first, but knew it had to be hideous based on the increased decibel level of the amused shrieking in the audience. The other adults were laughing too, until they got their identical and equally hideous masks on their faces. I know the exact moment that my competitive machine kicked in, because I caught myself looking at my colleagues as "the competition," and I caught myself thinking "That's right. Laugh it up now, because I'm going to kick your ass in a minute." At this point, I knew that whatever the contest was, I was going to win it.

The clown gave us all paper plates, and on each plate she put a piece of watermelon bubble gum. Then, to my disgust, and to the delight of all the children in the audience, she covered the gum with a big glob of Redi-Whip. The gist of the contest was that we had to get the gum in our mouths, not using our hands, chew it up and blow a bubble. The first person to blow a bubble that didn't pop would be the winner.

As the clown and her audience full of minions started counting down, my adrenaline started pumping. My brain started powering down unnecessary auxiliary functions. I was ready.

Enter the machine. I braved the Redi-Whip, got the gum and chewed for all I was worth, all the while staring down my competition with a steely glare. There was no way I wasn't going to win. I figured that I looked like a moron anyway. If I didn't win, I'd look like a moron AND be a loser. And THAT just wasn't going to happen. Not on my watch.

And it didn't. Though my worthy foes gave it their best bubble-blowing try, I was victorious. They couldn't touch me. The machine wins again. My students greeted me with high-fives and looks of awe usually reserved for sports heroes and shiny new firetrucks.

And just my luck, someone captured it all on their digital camera. Because this is certainly a look I wouldn't want to forget:

And you thought I was exaggerating about the whole "steely glare" thing:

That's a look of pure competition-inspired contempt. I can't hide it. This is why I don't play poker.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

We are what we eat.

I'm reading the most fascinating book right now.

"The Way We Eat: Why Our Food Choices Matter."

It's co-authored by Jim Mason and Peter Singer. As some of you may know, I think Peter Singer is one of the most brilliant thinkers alive. If I could choose any living person to spend a day talking with, Peter Singer would be at the top of the list, edging even Joaquin Phoenix out. I don't agree with all of his theories, because ethically and philosophically speaking, I'm neither a humanist nor a strict Utilitarian. But I AM a fan of ethical debate and consciousness, and of sound, logical arguments. They make me weak in the knees, in fact.

Hence my love of this book.

The book looks at the normal diets of three American families, representing a spectrum of different ways people choose to eat. There's the Standard American Diet (SAD for short), which is the cost and time conscious choice of in a majority of American homes. Then there's the Conscientious Omnivores, who eat meat, but usually buy organic and pay attention to where there food is coming from. Finally, we meet the vegans. Everybody know what vegans are nowadays, right? Singer and Mason examine the products each family buys on a typical shopping trip, and then traces them backwards through the production process and look for any ethical problems that pop up.

You can anticipate the obvious, popular ethical issues like crowded chicken and pig farms, slaughter house practices, and fair trade issues. But there are some other food-related ethical issues most people don't think about, like environmental problems and animal suffering issues with seafood, ethical arguments for eating locally produced food, the ethics of obesity, and the question of whether it is ethical to raise children as vegans or not.

One of the things I like most about Singer is how accessible his work is. His philosophy is easy to understand and engaging to read. And though he's one of the world's foremost animal rights experts (having authored "Animal Liberation"), he isn't preachy. He approaches this book with the understanding that most people are going to continue to eat meat. He takes into account the fact that for most families, price and availability is their number one concern when stocking their kitchens. He just wants more people to be aware that eating choices, as much as anything else, have an impact on the world around us. He suggests that making even small changes in the way you think about food can make a difference.

Anyhow, I'm thoroughly enjoying the book, and I think some people around here would probably like it too.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

E. All of the above?

I was entertaining myself at (one of my all-time favorite websites ever) taking vocabulary quizzes [because I'm a dork]. I was especially amused by the following question:
A cynic is someone who:

A. Rates movies and books
B. Mistrusts people's motives
C. Offers unwanted advice
D. is grumpy
Welcome to my world, or at the very least, my blog.

Tuesdays are worse than Mondays, even.

This is a long-held theory of mine. I hate Tuesdays, in general. Nothing good ever happens on Tuesdays. They're just Mondays with a little extra helping of Bland. If I had to rank the days of the week for badness, Tuesdays are worst, then Sunday nights, then Mondays. Thursdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, in that order from bad to not as bad, round out the rest.

I felt like posting something about a bizarre, ridiculous, and/or outlandish news story today, so I went to, a sort of clearing house for all those sorts of things. Like, but not as cool looking.

The problem was, I couldn't find any news there that was suitably odd or notable. In fact, I noticed that the headlines on are actually look more like legitimate news stories.

Some CrazyReports headlines:
Now, look at some of the headlines from the cable news websites today:
Pretty soon, I'm just going to cancel my subscription to TIME and just get all my important news updates from the supermarket check-out line.

But if the actual news sites are posting ridiculous "news" (I just don't consider Tom, Britney, or this weeks reality TV show results to be NEWS news) disguised as legitimate news, and ridiculous "news" sites are posting regular news....then where am I going to go for off-the-wall, crazy-as-batshit news? Any ideas?

*Now, if they were talking about an actual fox having opinions about decriminalization laws, THAT would be a pretty awesome news story.

Monday, May 08, 2006

It's Monday.

I worked all weekend long, which always makes me a little detached from the outside world. Which is a long way to say that I don't have much to say. Unless you want me to talk about the finer points of mental illness, delinquency, and the short-comings of the juvenile justice system as we know it. But honestly, it's kind of boring.

I DO have to admit that I was wrong earlier when I said that they couldn't PAY me to watch Mission Impossible 3. Apparently, they could. I didn't actually have much choice in the matter, so I don't feel too guilty about it.

It wasn't awful. I wouldn't see it again, but it didn't make my eyes bleed, or my spleen explode. So, I guess I'll count myself lucky. I did laugh a lot at inappropriate times, thanks to Tom Cruise. There's just something about him being 4 feet tall and crazy that makes me chuckle, I can't help it. I entertained myself by picking out scenes where he was either standing on a box, or they were employing some pretty fancy camera angles to make him look normal sized. My favorite instance was where he was filmed looking taller than his boss, Lawrence Fishburne. Lawrence Fishburne is 6'1". When I'm sitting in a movie theater, I'm willing to suspend a certain amount of disbelief....but that's going a bit too far.

I was happy to see that there was barely anybody in the theater. I think a lot of people are as sick of Cruise as I am. Which explains why the movie didn't do nearly as well as they thought it was going to do in its opening weekend.

An interesting note: The Barry Bonds' lovin' co-worker I wrote about earlier saw MI3 twice in one day. He's a big Tom Cruise fan too, apparently. It's always good to know my instincts about people are still razor sharp.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Social Ethics

I like how that title up there makes it seem like this post is going to be all serious and legitimate.

It's totally not. I'm just bored after work, and writing rambling thoughts on the screen. Lucky you. And lucky for me that no one really reads this on the weekends.

The question I have is:

Is it ethically wrong for me to decide I don't like a new co-worker based entirely on the fact that he said he was a Barry Bonds fan? I'm just not sure how anyone can be a Bonds fan, without at least making some concession re: the doping scandal. I mean, who seriously cheers for the 'roid raging over-grown playground bully? No one I care to know, that's for sure.

So, I briefly wondered if I make snap judgments based on sports, movies and pop culture too often. Maybe I shouldn't write off potential friends for their sports preferences, crappy taste in movies or whether or not they watch Fear Factor.

I say "briefly," because in the next breath said party confirmed the validity of my initial judgment when he called the Minnesota Twins "pathetic."

We will never be friends. It couldn't be more obvious to me, after that.

The sad fact is, for the utter ridiculousness of most of my friendship litmus tests, they're almost always right on the money.

At least as far as my interactions with people go, anyway.

I won't say that someone who likes Barry Bonds is a bad person, per se.* But I will say that it's more than likely that we do not share similar values or perspectives. Someone who doesn't laugh at Anchorman probably isn't the Anti-Christ, but it's safe for me to assume that we may never have a meaningful connection or mutual understanding.

The things I like (and dislike) are important to me. They both demonstrate and help shape the kind of person I am. So, is it really wrong for me to gauge the probability of friendship with new people based almost entirely on them?

I know that there's more to a lasting friendship than having the same favorite Fraggle, or agreeing that PCU is one of the most underrated movies ever made. But it sure doesn't hurt.

*It's entirely possible though.

Lost in the mail

When it comes to pop culture, I find that I'm either on the cutting edge, or I'm stubbornly and deliberately behind the times. I either latch onto something early in the game, so that I'm bored with it by the time everyone else climbs on the bandwagon (ie Desperate Housewives), or I simply refuse to get into things that everybody tells me I'll like (24). I think I just don't like liking things that everybody else likes. It's this sort of stubbornness that draws me to cult entertainment phenomena (but ironically makes me less likely to be drawn into actual cults, go figure), rather than mainstream hits*.

occasionally though, I relent. It's rare, but I'm only human. Most recently, I decided to give Lost a shot. It's been on for two seasons now, so I felt that it was perfect timing for me to show up to the party fashionably late. Honestly, the main reason I decided to order up season 1 from Netflix was because there are characters named Locke and Rousseau, and any show bold enough to reference social contract philosophers on network television has to be worth a look.

I'm only slightly embarrassed to admit that I'm kind of addicted to it now. Not only is it well written, by people who are smart enough to understand social contract philosophy, but it keeps my brain entertained looking for clues and patterns. And if there's one thing my brain enjoys more than anything else, it's over-analyzing even the tiniest of inconsequential details to the point of being ridiculous.

I've found myself anxiously awaiting the mailman's arrival whenever I'm due for a new disc from Netflix. Which presents a problem, even above and beyond the obvious patheticness. My Lost DVDs are taking at least a day longer to reach me by mail than other DVDs mailed out at the same time. They're taking 2-3 days longer to reach Netflix than other DVDs I mail out at the same time. It's just the Lost discs. All the other movies come and go through the mail like normal. I'm baffled. Maybe someone at the Post Office likes Lost too, but is too cheap to get Netflix or buy the DVDs? Is that possible?

The same part of my brain that likes trying to decipher characters' tattoos and rearrange the letters of their names to look for anagrams, is having a field day with the postal mystery as well. There has to be an explanation. I just don't know what it is.

However, I do know that "DVDS LOST IN THE MAIL" can be rearranged to say "I HANDLED TIM'S VOLTS."

*The Harry Potter and Sex and the City franchises are the obvious exceptions here.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Score one for enlightenment.

I was sitting by myself in a waiting room today, watching cable news when the Moussaoui verdict was announced, and Chris Matthews began his annoying spin on the situation. Honestly, I wasn’t really paying attention to what Matthews was saying at first, because I was overcome with a very unfamiliar sensation that can only be described as hope. It was wonderful.

Certain people will probably condemn me for that feeling. I’m soft on crime. I’m anti-American. I’m on the terrorists' side. That’s their right. They can label me as they wish.

Does Zacarias Moussaoui deserve to die for what he did (or didn’t do, actually)? Absolutely. His willful misleading of investigators did result in the deaths of thousands of people. No, he doesn’t deserve to take another breath of air. Period.

But a jury decided to spare his life anyway.

They spared the life of a man who has forfeited his right to live. I cannot think of any more beautiful thought.

Tonight I’m going to sleep better than I have in years, knowing that my country is greater than the terrorists who seek to destroy it. And it’s not because we have more guns, bigger armies or an unwavering resolve to “smoke ‘em out.” Rather it’s because, at the end of the day, we still have a country where a jury of average people is allowed to use reason, intelligence and compassion to go against popular opinion, and even the will of their government, and take mercy on an enemy who did nothing to deserve that mercy, and spits in the face of it.

In the same situation, would our enemies behave the same?

This is what sets us apart from them.

Some people still believe that there are other ways to solve problems besides killing other people. Score one for enlightenment.

Go read something else.

Like, about how Senator Feingold was recently hanging out in Iowa. *wink*

Or eRobin's awesome post about how quickly the media machine works to discredit and marginalize anyone who dares to push the envelope.

But come back here eventually, because I might have something more to say later. You never know.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

News Flash?

Our kids are dumb. No kidding.

I've always liked geography. When I was younger, I really wanted to be on Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? I watched it religiously, and I studied maps of Africa, because when kids didn't win on the map portion at the end, it was usually because they got a map of Africa and didn't know where anything was. So, I was damn sure going to be ready when my time came.

It never did, but at least I can locate African countries on a map.

I also wanted to go to the National Geography Bee, but that was more about my bizarre obsession with meeting Alex Trebek than anything else, I think.

In high school, I realized that other kids were not very well-versed in geography, and even more disturbing to me: they didn't mind.

I remember one girl in our World Cultures class made it her goal to get 2 right on a map test of the Middle East. So, when the test was handed out, she wrote the following:

1. Iran
2. Iraq
3. Iran
4. Iraq
5. Iran
6. Iraq
7. Iran
8. Iraq

Etc., thinking this would guarantee her 2 correct answers. Not surprisingly, she actually got Iran and Iraq switched around and got a zero. The best laid plans of mice and men......

So, this isn't really a new phenomenon. Most kids hate geography. I don' t know why. Whenever I make the kids I tutor study maps and practice geography facts, anyone listening outside the door would think I was shoving bamboo shoots under their fingernails. For them, maps are a fate worse than long division.

I'm saddened, but I'm not surprised by this young generations' inability to find Iraq or Louisiana* on a map. I'll continue bribing kids with Laffy Taffies to study geography to try to remedy the situation for future generations, but there's only so much one flamingo can do.

I'm glad that I'm old enough to no longer be included in that 18-24 demographic, but just to be on the safe side, I took the MSNBC geography quiz anyway. I got one wrong, without cheating or googling. If you take the quiz too, I'll tell you which one. It was a stupid mistake on my part, and I'll be kicking myself all day, I'm sure.

I didn't get any wrong about Africa though.

Thank you Carmen Sandiego.

*A small part of me is jealous of these tykes, I must say. I can only imagine that my life would be much different now if I hadn't been able to find Louisiana on a map either.

Monday, May 01, 2006


This is by far the cutest/strangest flamingo news story ever.

Gay flamingos celebrate fifth anniversary with their children
Britain's only gay flamingos Carlos and Fernando, are celebrating their fifth anniversary together with their adopted children at Slimbridge Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust in Gloucestershire.

The pair surprised staff at the wildlife park after they came out five years ago and began to engage in a series of complex mating rituals. The pink birds have been inseparable ever since and have even raised chicks together after they stole eggs from neighbouring straight couples.

Whilst Flamingos are generally monogamous during the annual breeding periods, they tend to swap partners each year. Therefore, claim the birds' keepers, their enduring love is somewhat unique.

"They only have eyes for each other," said Nigel Jarrett, a keeper at the nature reserve.

"I have never seen two male flamingos fall for each other before, although homosexuality is not uncommon in the animal kingdom."

"Carlos and Fernando have been together for five years and seem very happy. They will probably stay together for the rest of their lives."

Mr Jarret added that they appear to have been accepted by the other birds in the flock:"'They are both large adult males, so as a partnership they are quite formidable.

'They are not picked on by the other birds. If anything, they are afforded more respect. They are very good parents and behave just as the heterosexual birds do when rearing their young."

The pair have together raised three chicks.
That's sweet. Except for the stealing babies part. That's weird.

Thank you Chuckie, for the email. It made my day.

W. T. F.

Check this out.

Now, if that didn't make you laugh so hard you peed a little, I don't know what will.

Thanks to Michelle, creator of The Dark and Moody Chicks comic that has been rocking my blogworld on a daily basis for the past week, for the link.